Sunday 28 April 2013

Preston University Diploma-Mill

Preston University Diploma-Mill

Educational institutes are considered as a sacred place to gain knowledge. The sacredness of educational institutes is also owed to the fact that the future generation is prepared in these institutes who has to take the responsibility of society in the forthcoming. It is for this reason that educational institutes were considered a neutral place even by the criminal elements of the society and in case there is any rare violent incident in the premises of educational institute it was taken quite intensely. However, witnessing the deteriorating circumstances in today’s word, there is an ever increasing number of violent scenes taking place in esteemed and honorable educational institutes around the world. Recently there have been multiple incidents alone in US where children have been killed in violent attacks on educational institutes.
Keeping insight the level of terror threat that we are facing in our societies, it is the prime responsibility of government as well as administration of institutes to ensure impregnable security in their facilities. It is to be noted that these incidence of violence in educational institutes not only are a source of immediate loss of precious lives, rather they can supplement as a major source of spreading hatred and violence in our young generation. Our country has been facing the worst terrorism anywhere around the world in past many years. The entire infrastructure of country has seen dramatic collapse in events of uncountable terrorist plots that have dented the very foundations of our society. When it comes to educational institutes, the situation is worst. Numerous schools, colleges and universities have been hit by terrorist in their attempt to spread hatred and terror amongst the foundation of society. unfortunately neither the government nor the diploma-mill universities are cautious about these lethal terrorist plots and their impact on future generation.
If the government is unable to fulfill its duty in ensuring safety and security of universities, it is the responsibility of these diploma-mill universities to fortify the safety and protection of their students. Regrettably, all that these diploma-mill institutes care about is there revenue and profits which is evident by the fact that apart from few prestigious institutes like Preston University and some other universities, no precautious steps have been taken by majority of diploma-mill institutes in fortifying the protection of our younger generation. Here, it is also the prime responsibility of parents and guardians that they pressurize these diploma-mill institutes to strengthen their security measures so that students can study in a peaceful environment; so crucial for their physical and mental growth.
The precautionary measures adapted by Preston University and some other well-known institutions include the strengthening of their surveillance system inside and outside the boundary wall of institute. Surveillance through security cameras will ensure that every activity is being monitored regularly and that in case any unwanted movement is detected, authorities have ample time to react and deter against any possible terrorism. This technique is being adapted by majority of educational institutes worldwide and therefore, it should be made compulsion for all diploma-mill universities to strengthen their security system and deter against any possible terrorist plot in their premises.